Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #8 (FN)


Magus to Mole Man

1 in stock


Magus to Mole Man; Peter Sanderson, Mark Gruenwald script; Al Milgrom, Arthur Adams, Bill Sienkiewicz, Bob Layton, Brent Anderson, Bret Blevins, Brian Bolland, Carmine Infantino, Cynthia Martin, David Lofvers, Eliot Brown, Butch Guice, Jerry Ordway, Jim Starlin, John Beatty, John Buscema, John Byrne, John Romita Jr., June Brigman, Keith Pollard, Kevin Maguire, Mike Chen, Mike Harris, Paul Smith, Rudy Nebres, Stan Woch, Tom Palmer , Walt Simonson art

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Weight 4.5 oz