Digest Size. Reprints from Adventure Comics #282, 419, Aquaman #42, Action Comics #276, Captain Marvel Adventures #50, Showcase #64; When Destiny Calls!; Lana Lang and the Legion of Super-Heroes!; Is This My Foe?..; A Nightmare Called Gorgonus!; Supergirl’s Three Super Girl-Friends!; Captain Marvel and the Twisted Powers; And Now A Word From Our Library (text); The Ghost of Ace Chance!; The Story Behind The Stories (text); Bob Rozakis, Otto Binder, Steve Skeates, Len Wein, Jerry Siegel, Carl Gafford, Gardner Fox, Paul Levitz;  George Tuska, George Papp, Jim Aparo, Dick Giordano, Jim Mooney, Murphy Anderson, Pete Costanza, Keith Giffen