Digest Size. Reprints from Superboy (1st series) #98 (Jul 1962), Aquaman (1st series) #46 (Jul-Aug 1969), The Marvel Family #1 (Dec 1945), Adventure Comics #300 (Sep 1962), and The Spectre #4 (May-Jun 1968); New story and reprints; Digest size; Time travel; All Together Now!; The Boy With Ultra-Powers!; The Explanation!; The Mighty Marvels Join Forces!; The Face Behind the Lead Mask!; Stop That Kid..Before he Wrecks the World!; World-Eater!; The Power of Evil; The Story Bahind the Stories (text); Bob Rozakis, Jerry Siegel, Steve Skeates, Neal Adams, Paul Levitz, Otto Binder; Â Alex Toth, Curt Swan, Jim Aparo, John Forte, Neal Adams, C.C. Beck, Al Plastino