Marvel Comics Presents #126 (FN)


Wolverine, Lynx, She-Hulk, Ghost Rider, Typhoid Mary, Iron Fist; Wolverine, Lynx, She-Hulk, Flipbook

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Wolverine, Lynx, She-Hulk, Ghost Rider, Typhoid Mary, Iron Fist; Wolverine, Lynx, She-Hulk, Flipbook;  Wolverine/Lynx: Passion Play, Part 4; Widow’s Sting; She-Hulk: Adrenazon’s Revenge, Part 4; To Thine Own Self Be True; Ghost Rider/Typhoid Mary: The Walking Wounded, Part 4; Jerk the Bait; Iron Fist: The Book of Changes, Part 2; Scott Lobdell, Kelly Corvese, Ann Nocenti, Joey Cavalieri script; Steve Lightle, Dave Hoover art