Looks like it’s a another hot summer with some really hot prices on comic sales and bidding. I won’t waste your time with a lot of “blah, blah, blah”. So here is the skinny:
- America #1 (2nd Printing, Sketch cover, 1st America Chavez Title) $197.50
- Y The Last Man #1 (CGC 9.8, 2002) $1400.00
- Silver Surfer #1 (CGC 6.5, 1968) $1805.00
- Wolverine Origins #10 (CGC 9.8) $1750.00
- Amazing Fantasy #15 (CGC 9.8, 1st Amadeus Cho, 2006) $1676.00
- Star Wars Jedi Mace Windu #nn (CGC 9.8, One Shot) $900.00
- The Tick Special Edition #1 (CGC 9.8, 1988) $1900.00
- Defiant Plasm #0 (One Staple Variant, Error Cut, CGC 9.6 Ultra Rare) $524.00
- Sweet Tooth #1 (CGc 9.8, 2009, Jeff Lemire) $949.99
- Invaders #1 (CGC 9.8, 1975) $1124.99
- Ms. Marvel #18 (CGC 9.8, 1st Mystique) 2750.00
- Uncanny X-Men #109 (CGC 9.8, 1st Guardian, Weapon Alpha) $3102.95
- Marvel Premiere #1 (1st app. Him as Adam Warlock, CGC 8.5) $1100.00
- Venom: Tooth and Claw #1 (CGC 9.8, 1996, Wolverine, Newsstand) $349.95
- Venom: Separation Anxiety #1 (CGC 9.8, 1994) $460.00
- Werewolf by Night #33 (CGC 9.0, 2nd app. Moon Knight) $645.00
- The New Mutants #98 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand, 1st Deadpool) $5200.00
- Mr. T and the T-Force #1 (Neal Adams, CGC 9.8) $245.00
- Doorway to Nightmare #1 (CGC 9.8, 1978) $1199.95
- America #1 (1st printing and 1st app of America Chavez, NM) $110.00
- Strange Tales #169 (1st Brother Voodoo) CGC 9.8 $27,000.00 / CGC 5.5 $12,500.00
- Journey Into Mystery #85 (1st Loki) CGC 5.5 $12,500.00 / CGC 8.0 $18,100.00
- Vengeance #1 (Variant, CGC 9.8, 1st America Chavez, HTF) $4400.00
- Ghost Rider (v2) #28 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand, 1st app. Midnight Sons) $700.00
- Ultraman #1 (Virgin Edition, CGC 9.8, 1993, Harvey) $1150.00
- X-Men #4 (CGC 8.5) $13,000.00
- Journey Into Mystery Annual #1 (CGC 7.0, 1st app. Hercules, Zeus, 1965) $2400.00
- Star Wars #41 (CGC 9.6, 1st app Yoda) $306.01
- Black Cat Mystery Comics #50 (CGC 1.0) $2600.00
- Eerie #12 (1953, Avon, CGC 3.0, 1st Dracula in comics) $1299.00
The Following are from a wild bidding session on Heritage Auction, mid-June:
- Detective Comics #38 (DC, 1940, CGC 5.0) $78,000.00
- Silver Surfer #4 (1969, CGC 9.8) $90,000.00
- Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975, CGC 9.8) $72,000.00
- Fantastic Four #48 (1966, CGC 9.8) $108,000.00
- Detective Comics #27 (DC, 1939, CGC 5.0) $1,125,000.00
- Marvel Spotlight #5 (1st Ghost Rider, Marvel, 1972, CGC 9.8) $264,000.00
- Thor #156 (1968, CGC 10.0) $37,200.00
- Tomb of Dracula #10 (1st Blade, CGC 9.8) $28,800.00
- Whiz Comics #1 (Fawcett, 1st Captain Marvel/Shazam, 1940, CGC 3.0) $78,000.00
- The Amazing Spider-Man #129 (1974, 1st Punisher, CGC 9.8) $40,800.00
- The Incredible Hulk #180 (1974, Wolverine Cameo, CGC 9.8) $40,800.00
- Action Comics #1 (DC, 1938, CGC 5.5) $528,000.00
- Action Comics #7 (DC, 1938, CGC 2.0) $60,000.00
Hope you are enjoying your summer, stay cool and keep reading.