Keeping up with some of the auction and regular sales have been testing for this month. Not sure if it is because the economy or the workforce that is slowing down the market (although, some say the market is picking up steam, you judge for yourself). Anyhow, here is what I found:
- Star Wars The Clone Wars #1 (CGC 9.8, DH100 Special Filoni Cover) $12,500.00
- Ghost Rider v2 #28 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand) $761.01
- Star Wars Clone Wars #1 (CGC 9.8, 1st Ashoka Tano, Dark Horse 100 Variant) $16,000.00
- Amazing Fantasy #15 (Marvel, 1962, CGC 3.0) $32,400.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Marvel, 1963, CGC 6.0) $26,400.00
- X-Men #1 (Marvel, 1963) CGC 2.5 $13,560.00 / CGC 3.5 $13,800.00
- Incredible Hulk #181 (Marvel, 1974, CGC 8.0) $10,200.00 / CGC 9.4 $18,600.00
- Giant-Size X-Men #1 (Marvel, 1975) CGC 6.0 $4,200.00 / CGC 9.0 $8,400.00 / CGC 9.8 $49,200.00
- All Winners Comics #7 (Timely, 1942, CGC 5.5) $9,600.00
- Detective Comics #122 (DC, 1947, CGC 6.5) $7,800.00
- Detective Comics #91 (DC, 1944, CGC 7.0) $6,000.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #9 (Marvel, 1964, CGC 8.0) $5,400.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Marvel, 1963, CGC 7.0) $5,280.00
- Green Lantern #30 (DC, 1948, CGC 6.0) $4,920.00
- Sub-Mariner Comics #24 (Timely, 1947, CGC 6.0) $4,080.00
- Conan The Barbarian #1 (Marvel, 1970, CGC 9.6) $3,720.00
- Daredevil #2 (Marvel, 1964, CGC 9.2) $3,240.00
- Fantastic Four #49 (Marvel, 1966, CGC 7.0) $3,000.00
- Marvel Spotlight #5 (Ghost Rider, Marvel, 1972) CGC 6.5 $2,640.00 / CGC 8.5 $6,000.00
- Batman #6 (DC, 1941, CGC 5.0) $2,520.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #22 (Marvel, 1965, CGC 9.4) $2,426.00
- Captain Marvel Adventures #4 (Fawcett, 1941, VF/NM) $2,400.00
- Fantastic Four #48 (Marvel, 1966) CGC 3.5 $2,640.00 / CGC 6.5 $4,440.00
- G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero #1 (Marvel, 1982, CGC 9.8) $2,400.00
- Incredible Hulk #180 (Marvel, 1974, CGC 8.5, Wolverine Cameo) $2,400.00
- Strange Tales #89 (Marvel, 1961, CGC 4.5, 1st Fin Fang Foom) $2,400.00
- Avengers #57 (Marvel, 1968, CGC 9.0, 1st Vision) $2,280.00
- Fantastic Four #45 (Marvel, 1964, CGC 8.5, 1st Inhumans) $2,040.00
- House of Secrets #92 (DC, 1971, CGC 7.0, 1st Swamp-Thing) $2,040.00
- Strange Tales #110 (Marvel, 1963, CGC 7.0) $11,100.00
- Tales of Suspense #39 (Marvel, 1963, CGC 3.5) $10,500.00
- Werewolf by Night #32 (Marvel, 1975, CGC 9.2) $7,800.00
- Fantastic Four #50 (Marvel, 1966, CGC 8.5) $7,200.00
- Captain America Comics #26 (Timely, 1943, CGC 5.0) $6,900.00
- Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel, 1961, CGC 0.5) $6,900.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #129 (Marvel, 1974) CGC 9.4 $6,049.00 / CGC 9.0 $3,720.00
- More Fun Comics #68 (DC, 1941, CGC 8.0) $5,040.00
- X-Men #14 (Marvel, 1965, CGC 9.0) $5,040.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Marvel, 1964, CGC 6.5) $4,800.00
- Avengers #1 (Marvel, 1963, CGC 3.5) $4,800.00
- Iron Fist #14 (Marvel, 1977, CGC 9.8) $4,800.00
- Silver Surfer #1 (Marvel, 1968, CGC 8.0) $4,560.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #50 (Marvel, 1967, CGC 8.0) $4,080.00
- Tales of Suspense #57 (Marvel, 1964, CGC 8.0) $4,080.00
- Daring Comics #12 (Timely, 1945, CGC 9.0) $3,960.00
- Iron Man #1 (Marvel, 1968, CGC 9.0) $3,960.00
- Ultimate Fallout #4 (Marvel, 2011, CGC 9.8) $3,840.00
- Detective Comics #69 (DC, 1942, CGC 1.8) $3,600.00
- Fantastic Four #4 (Marvel, 1962, GD (not CGC)) $3,600.00
- Thor #337 (Canadian Price Variant, Marvel, 1983, CGC 9.8) $3,480.00
Most of this came from Heritage auctions and sales. Looking forward to seeing what August will look like with the little ones going back to school.