First off, I just want to say sorry about the site being down for about a week (our hosting company had server problems). Second, checkout the Shangi-chi trailer is out (check it out). Now let us begin:
- X-Men #12 (CGC 5.0, Origin and 1st app. Juggernaut) $1,550.00
- Brave and the Bold #54 (CGC 9.4, Origin & 1st Teen Titans) $6,500.00
- Tomb of Dracula #10 (1973, 1st app. Blade the Vampire Slayer) CGC 6.0 $1,399.99/ CGC 7.5 $1,820.00 / CGC 9.8 $36,000.00
- Something is Killing the Children #1 (CGC 9.8, Black Cape Schmalke #108/500) $1,399.00
- X-Men #100 (1976, CGC 9.6) $1,200.00
- Tales to Astonish #27 (CGC 5.5, 1962, 1st Ant-Man) $5,995.00
- Vengeance #1 (Variant, CGC 9.8, 1st app. Miss America) $3,100.00
- Marvel Tales #106 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand, Punisher ASM #129 reprint) $1,299.00
- New World Record alert!!! Action Comics #1 (CGC 8.5, 1st Superman) $3.25 Million
- Vampirella #1 (Warren, CGC 7.5, 1st app.) $1,850.00
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (CGC 9.8, 3rd Print) $5,499.99
- Captain America #241 ( CGC 9.8, Punisher Newsstand Variant, 1980) $999.95
- Fantastic Four #48 (1st Silver Surfer & Galactus app., CGC 6.5) $4,895.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #361 (1st Carnage, CGC 9.8) $1,885.00
- Darkhawk #1 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand edition) $793.00
- X-Men #141 (CGC 9.8, Days of Future Past) $1,950.00
- Uncanny Tales From the Grave #6 (Rare, CGC 9.8) $1,000.00
- Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (Est. 9.6-9.8, 1st Print, 1st app. Spider-Gwen) $1,500.00
- Legend of Zelda #1 (Valiant, CGC 9.8, 1990) $1,675.00
- Batman #181 (CGC 5.5, 1st app. Poison Ivy) $1,175.00
- Black Panther #1 (CGC 9.8, 1977) $4,191.00
- X-Factor #6 (CGC 9.8, 1st full app. Apocalypse, Newsstand) $1,102,00
- Peacemaker #1 (CGC 9.4, 1967, Highest grade of this comic) $4,496.00
- X-Men #1 (CGC 5.5, 1963) $32,500.00
- Ultimate Fallout #4 (CGC 9.8, 1st Miles Morales, 2011) $3,584.65
- Savage She-Hulk #1 (CGC 9.8, 1st app., Newsstand) $1,6990.00
- Youngblood #1 (Away Team Ashcan 500 only, 1st Image of Prophet, CGC 9.8) $1,000.00
- Wildcats Trilogy #1 (Ashcan CGC 9.8, serial #745/5000, 1st app. Gen 13) $1,000.00
- Ghost Rider #1 (CGC 9.4, 1st Cameo of Daimon Hellstrom) $2,100.00
- Star Wars The Clone Wars #1 (CGC 9.8) $3,599.99
- Captain America #354 (1989, 1st app. U.S. Agent) $1,400.00
- Firestorm #1 (CGC 9.8, 1978) $898.00
- Fantastic Four #52 (CGC 6.5, 1st app. Black Panther, 1966) $1,850.00
- Fantastic Four #48 (CGC 3.0, 1st app. and Origin of Silver Surfer) $1,899.00
- Machine Man #19 (CGC 9.8, 1st Jack O’Lantern & Hobgoblin) $1,500.00
- Casper The Friendly Ghost #1 (St. John Comics, CGC 2.5) $1,278.00
- New Mutants #98 (1st Deadpool, CGC 9.6) $1,500.00
- Eternals #11 (CGC 9.8, 1st Druig & Kingo) $895.00
- X-Men #129 (CGC 9.8, 1980, 1st Kitty Pryde & White Queen (Emma Frost)) $4,799.00
- Incredible Hulk #340 (CGC 9.8, Hulk vs. Wolverine) $1,925.00
- Action Comics #242 (1958, CGC 6.5, 1st app. Brainiac) $6,455.00
- Tales of Suspense #50 (CGC 8.5, 1st Mandarin) $2,400.00 / CGC 8.0 $2,299.00
- DC Presents #26 (CGC 9.8, 1st app. New New Titans) $1,700.00
- Strange Tales #159 (CGC 9.4, 1967, 1st Contessa Valentina, Madame Hydra) $1,800.00
- Thor #337 (CGC 9.8, Newsstand, 1st app. Beta Ray Bill) $1,550.00
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #1 (CGC 9.8) $800.00
- Journey into Mystery #85 (CGC SS 3.0, 1st app Loki) $4,500.00
- Fightin’ Five #40 (Charlton 1966, CGC 9.0, Origin and 1st app Peacemaker) $3,499.00
- Batman Adventures #12 (CGC 9.8, 1st Harley Quinn) $3,995.00
- Moon Knight #1 (CGC 9.8, Origin of Moon Knight) $1,042.00
- Fugitoid #1 (CGC 9.8, Mirage 1985, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) $1,150.00
- Uncanny X-Men #94 (CGC 8.5, 2nd New X-Men) $2,900.00
- X-Men #130 (1st app Dazzler, CGC 9.8) $2,025.00
- Ms. Marvel #18 (CGC 9.8, 1st app Mystique) $1,999.99
- Batman Beyond #1 (CGC 9.8, 1999, 1st app. Terry McGinnis) $2,716.00
- Iron Man #282 (1st full app. War Machine, Newsstand, CGC 9.8) $1,040.16
- Marvel Premiere #15 (CGC 9.6, 1974, 1st app and Origin Iron Fist) $2,500.00
- Albedo #2 (Vol. 1, CGC 7.5, 1st app Usagi Yojimbo, 1984) $6,925.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #300 (1988, CGC 9.8, 1st Venom) $6,650.00
- Marvel Spotlight #5 (CGC 8.5, 1st Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider) $2,650.00
Keep your eyes on the X-Men, since Marvel entertainment (Disney) is looking to bring them back.