The month of April is coming to a close, but even though things are falling apart around you the comic investor is still scratching and digging to fill in the gaps in his/her collection. With this installment, you see some of the books that are on the rise. I started to look for some books that are still in the average buyer’s range. Lastly, I have had some questions about where these prices are coming from? Well, it is from the auctions from Heritage auctions and eBay mainly (and sometimes from the smaller auction houses). So let us begin:
- Amazing Spider-Man #129 (1st Punisher, NM) $4,306.00 / CGC 6.5 $2,787.74
- Marvel Spotlight #5 (CGC 6.5, 1st Ghost Rider) $2,500.00 eBay
- Avengers Annual #10 (1981, NM, 1st Rogue) $799.00
- X-Men #12 (CGC 6.5, 1st Juggernaut) $3,575.00 CAD
- Marvel Spotlight #5 (VF-NM, 1st Ghost Rider) $2,550.00 eBay
- Invincible Iron Man #9 (CGC 9.8, Age of Apocalypse, 1st Riri, Variant) $2,300.00
- Incapable Trump #1 (NYCC Exclusive, CGC 9.6, Rare and signed) $4,100.00
- Incredible Hulk #181 (1st full Wolverine) CGC 8.0 $10,750.00 / CGC 7.0 $8,200.00 / NM (not CGCed) $15,656.00
- Marvle Premiere #15 (CGC 8.0, Origin & 1st app. Iron Fist) $800.00 / CGC 9.4 $1,699.99
- Eternals #1 (CGC 9.8) $2,700.00 / CGC 9.4 $2,395.00
- Fantastic Four #48 (CGC 8.5) $11,500.00 eBay
- New Mutants #87 (CGC 9.8, 1st Cable, Newsstand) $1,500.00
- Special Marvel Edition #15 (1st app. Shang Chi, CGC 7.0) $1,000.00
- Strange Tales #169 (CGC 7.5, 1st Brother Voodoo) $590.00
- Invincible Iron Man #3 (Variant, Riri Williams named Ironheart, CGC 9.8) $800.00
- Wonder Woman #204 (CGC 7.5, 1973, 1st app Nubia) $669.00
- Ghost Rider #1 (CGC 6.5, 1st app. Son of Satan, Hellstrom) $599.00
- Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1st app. New X-Men) CGC 5.0 $4,550.00 / CGC 9.2 $15,700.00
- Hulk #2 (CGC 5.0, 1962, 1st Green Hulk app.) $2,999.00
- Star Trek #1 (Gold Key, 1967, CGC 6.5) $530.00
- Batman #121 (CGC 6.5, 1st app. Mister Zero (Freeze)) $4,349.00
- Fear #20 (CGC 9.8, 1st Published Paul Gulacy Morbius) $1,150.00
- Avenger #6 (1st app. Baron Zemo, CGC 5.5) $1,100.00
- Tales of Suspense #75 (1st Batroc & 1st Sharon Carter Agent 13) CGC8.5 $600.00 /CGC 9.0 $1,200.00
- Teen Titans Go #23 (2005, CGC 9.8, 1st Red X Future State) $1,500.00
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (1984, VF-NM) $15,100.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #654 (CGC 9.8, 2nd Printing Variant, Agent Venom) $1,995.00
- Silver Hawks #1 (Star Comics, 1st app., Variant, 1987) $620.00
- Hercules #1 (CGC 9.8, 1982, Newsstand, 1st Earth 829) $179.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #300 (CGC 9.6, Newsstand, 1st app. Venom) $4,750.00
- Eternals #2 (1976, 1st app. Celestials & Ajak) $2,750.00
- Wolverine #1 (Deadpool variant, Scott Campbell cover, CGC 9.8) $9,700.00
- Incredible Hulk #449 (CGC 9.8, 1st Thunderbolts, 1997) $1,099.99 / CGC 9.6 $499.00
- Captain America #117 (Origin & 1st app. Falcon) CGC 9.0 $2,850.00 / CGC 5.5 $795.00
- Action Comics #1 (CGC PG, Page 28 only (yes, I said one page), 1st Superman) $2,250.00
- New X-Men #133 (CGC 9.8, 1st app Dust) $599.99
- Avenger #48 (CGC 5.5, 1968, 1st Dane Whitman/Black Knght) $700.00
- Werewolf by Night #32 (CGC 5.5, 1st app. Moon Knight) $1,900.00
- Wolverine #1 (CGC 9.8, 1988, 1st app Patch) $798.98
- Strange Tales #159 (CGC 8.5, 1st Valentina Allegra de Fontaine/Contessa) $1,111.11
- Batman Adventures #12 (CGC 9.6, 1st app Harley Quinn) $1,500.00
- Sub-Mariner #1 (CGC 9.2, Origin Sub-Mariner retold) $1,775.00
- Thor #134 (CGC 9.2, 1st app High Evolutionary, 1st Man-Beast, 1966) $1,750.00
- Captain America #354 (CGC 9.6, 1989, 1st app U.S.Agent) $875.00
- Tales of Suspense #52 (CGC 7.5) $3,200.00
- Shanna She-Devil #1 ( CGC 9.4, 1972) $495.00
- Young Avengers #1 (NM, 2005, 1st Kate Bishop, Patriot, Iron Lad, Wiccan) $471.00
- Incredible Hulk #180 (CGC 8.0, 1st Cameo Wolverine) $3,400.00
- Captain Marvel #17 (CGC 9.2, 2nd printing, 1st Kamala Khan) $1,350.00
- Champions #1 (CGC 9.8, Ross Variant) $1,000.00
- Amazing Spider-Man #129 (CGC 8.0, 1974 with Mark Jeweler Insert) $3,750.00
- X-Men #94 (2nd app of New X-Men) CGC 9.0 $4,500.00 / CGC 7.0 $1,999.00
- Scooby Doo Where Are You #1 (CGC 7.0, Gold Key) $2,650.00
- All-New Marvel Now! Point One #1 (1st app. Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel) CGC 9.8 $2000.00 / CGC 9.4 $599.99
- Silver surfer v3 #1 (CGC 9.8, Nova, Galatus, Origin Silver Surfer, 1987) $313.49
- Captain America #118 (CGC 8.5, 2nd app Falcon and Red Wing) $349.99
- The Twilight Zone #84 (1978, CGC 8.0, 1st Frank Miller pro work) $579.99
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles v4 #29 (CGC 9.8, Rare and HTF) $1,736.00
- Thundercats #1 (CGC 9.8, 1985) $2,099.99
- Ultimate Fallout #4 (CGC 9.4, 1st app Miles Morales as Spider-Man, Variant) $7,400.00
Well there you have it. Enjoy your day and keep collecting (I need to stay in business).